Comfort and Joy. Really?

Comfort and Joy.

What does Comfort and Joy mean to you? It’s a good question to ponder as we enter this holiday season. Honestly, most of 2020 has been lacking in the comfort and joy category. We find ourselves in a world stripped of norms, and we are navigating how to find comfort and joy in our new setting. With all that said, solace can be found. Pay attention to the simple things in life, such as a delicious cup of coffee. It’s a great way to find a moment of comfort and joy in your daily routine.  Another trick, when you taste that first sip of coffee of the day, think of it as your very first sip of coffee, ever. Like you have never tasted coffee before. Savor it! We get excited when we find something new and enjoyable. So, treat your first cup of coffee of the day as something exciting. Certainly something to look forward to!

Idea behind the label

Comfort and JoyMadeline Jones has created our Special Reserve labels this year. It’s a process to come up with ideas that represent an emotion, especially with all the emotions swirling this year. We had several discussions on design direction and how to best represent our theme of Comfort and Joy. Madeline came up with the single candle flame idea. The single candle flame represents unity as we all come together in this moment. We may be a single flame, but when shared and multiplied, it shines light and warmth. It also represents vigils for those we have lost this year. It’s a symbol of remembrance. Using water colors, she painted the candlestick and flame. We love the simplicity of the label and how the “flame” color is mirrored on the side panel of the bags. Plus, the coffee inside the bag is amazing too!

Spread comfort and joy

As we head full steam into Holiday 2020, we want to create a touchstone for our customers and staff. This phrase, so often sung with a host of other Christmas carols, has real meaning. We want a phrase that resonates with a deeper sense of what the holidays are all about. Sure, we rely on shoppers spending money in our cafes and online. But, how can we embody comfort and joy? How can our customers receive and give a little bit of comfort and joy? For starters, selecting gifts that have real meaning. Knowing a person well enough to know what will put a smile on their face. Consumables are a key trend this year. We have just spent the past 8 months organizing our closets, and we don’t want to fill them with meaningless trinkets. How about a Coffee Subscription, or a Holiday Tea Box Set? Both items can be enjoyed over time and shared with friends.

We hope all the hard work bringing our Comfort and Joy holiday theme to you this year rubs off a little. May A&E Coffee & Tea be a place where you can find the perfect gift for those in your life, and allow you to spread a little comfort and joy along the way.


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