Tea Origins: Evening in Missoula Gourmet Tea

Evening in Missoula Gourmet Tea
Tea Origins

One of our favorite gourmet tea blends, Evening in Missoula, is a tisane, or blended herbal tea that is comprised of 17 flavorful and healing botanical elements which, when blended by a talented craftsman, produce a deliciously satisfying and transformative cup of tea.

A cup of Evening at Missoula herbal tea provides a robust and full-bodied flavor with hints of root beer and a lemony mint finish. In addition to delicious flavors, each of the botanicals used to blend Evening in Missoula herbal tea contain helpful phytonutrients that have been shown to possess medicinal qualities. A few examples are:

  • Chamomile – calms nerves and treats nausea
  • Rose Hips – a variety of stomach ailments and very high in vitamin C
  • Red Clover – menopausal symptoms, high cholesterol, and asthma
  • Peppermint – common colds, mild inflammation, and coughs
  • Wild Cherry Bark – digestive disorders, bronchitis, and other lung ailments
  • Chinese Star Anise – respiratory infections, coughs, and infections
  • Lavender – swelling, muscle spasms, and digestive problems


We must share a note here regarding the two fundamental styles of star anise: Chinese Star Anise and Japanese Star Anise. Chinese Star Anise (Illicium verum) is the ubiquitous and flavorful spice used in herbal tea and other culinary creations. On the other hand, Japanese Star Anise (Illicium anisatum) is poisonous and it must be avoided. Our gourmet whole leaf teas are exclusively blended only the finest Chinese Star Anise available. If you see star anise listed as an ingredient in any blended herbal tea or food product, it is essential to ensure Chinese Star Anise was used in the blend or recipe.

Any of our specialty coffees and whole leaf teas pair nicely with our selection of handmade scones and croissants. Our breads are made and delivered fresh daily from Great Harvest Bread in Nashua, and our flaky fresh croissants are delivered daily from our neighbors at the Dutch Epicure Bakery. Visit our café to try one of these delicious bites!

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